Blinkmarine News


PKP-2400-SI. The new 8-button keypad boasts a compact design

Blink Marine is launching the new CAN bus PowerKey PRO-2400-SI on the international market: a super-compact, 8-button keypad designed to offer maximum control while occupying the smallest possible amount of space on your helm or dashboard. The PRO-2400-SI is available for order beginning 13 November 2017. A datasheet with technical info, measurements…

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A new video captures the essence of Blink Marine

Over recent years Blink Marine has evolved considerably. The company has grown, increasing sales and hiring new employees. At the same time it has also greatly diversified the number of markets in which Blink Marine is active. “This institutional video,” notes Eliseo Boldrin, marketing manager for Blink Marine, “was designed…

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New, strategic collaboration between Blink and Dasa

Blink Marine is proud to announce a new partnership with Swedish company Dasa Control Systems AB. Thanks to an agreement signed in Växjö, Sweden on 10 March 2017, Dasa has become the official seller of Blink Marine products in Sweden. “We believe this collaboration with a prestigious partner like Dasa…

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Stile e funzionalità a bordo dei gommoni grazie ai sistemi digitali di controllo Sono ormai diventati un «must have» anche nella gommonautica. Non si tratta di «spocchia», un voler imitare gli «yachtini», ma effettivamente è una questione di praticità: le utenze di bordo crescono in maniera esponenziale e, soprattutto se…

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Digital control systems are enabling engineers to wed design with functionality aboard inflatable boats. They’ve become “must-haves” even in the world of inflatable boats. It’s not posturing, nor a desire to imitate “mini-yachts,” but simply a straightforward question of practicality: onboard functions are growing exponentially, and certain comforts are highly…

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The secret? Be PRO!

Technological solutions designed by Blink prove perfect for the challenging industrial concrete environment. Coime Concrete Equipment srl, based in Pregnana Milanese, Italy, is a longstanding Italian concrete machine company that designs and builds innovative equipment for interesting niche markets, and recently inaugurated its new 28-meter concrete mixer. This is a truly…

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PC10 Power Management Enclosure Datasheet available to download

PC10 is the new Solid State POWERCORE Management Enclosure especially made by Blink Marine for the marine market. PC10 is fully compliant with systems originally designed to work with PowerCore 210, PowerCore 100 e PowerCore 06. A PDF datasheet for the PC10 is available for download SCARICA DATASHEET ELECTRICAL FEATURES -…

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